Following recent theoretical advances on the critical behavior of the electrical resistivity ρ in magnetic systems, this paper points out that features of the critical region are not yet quantitatively explained. The need for a theory away from but close to the transition region is emphasized in view of extracting several parameters from the experimental data. A simple generalization of the Ornstein-Zernike correlation function, on both sides of Tc, based on Landau theory and previous work is proposed. This implies a magnetization-dependent amplitude of the correlation length below Tc. Different types of singularities are found as observed experimentally. Various features of dρdT away from the transition temperature can also be reproduced: In particular, an unexplained bump and dip in dρdT vs T (below Tc) usually obtained from data of ρ in localized spin systems can be found in our simple approach. Also, the existence of unequal magnitudes of dρdT above and below Tc now has a theoretical explanation.