Incorporation of 3H and 14C from (6 α-3H)penicillin N and (10-14C,6 α-3H) penicillin N into deacetoxycephalosporin C

1. In a cell-free system prepared by lysis of protoplasts of Cephalosporium acremonium mutant M-0198, 3H and 14C were incorporated from singly- and doubly-labelled penicillin N into deacetoxycephalosporin C. 2. The deacetoxcephalosporin C obtained from the above feeding experiments was converted into two different crystalline derivatives, namely N-phthalimidodeacetoxycephalosporin C bisbenzhydryl ester and N-phthalimidodeacetoxycephalosporin C bisdicyclohexylamine salt and recrystallized to constant specific activity or constant ratio of specific activity. 3. That 3H is incorporated at C-7 in the biosynthesized deacetoxycephalosporin C was shown by the loss of radioactivity (95.2%) after methoxylating the derived N-phthalimidodeacetoxycephalosporin C bisbenzyhydryl ester. 4. Deacetoxycephalosporin C was also the product of the cell-free reaction conducted in the presence of ferrous ions and ascorbic acid, as shown by two-dimensional paper electrophoresis-chromatography; these additives appreciably improved the efficiency of conversion.

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