Asymptotic behavior of form factors for two- and three-body bound states

The asymptotic power behavior of the electromagnetic form factors is examined for two-and three-body s-wave bound states, both relativistic and nonrelativistic. In the nonrelativistic case, we consider local and separable two-body potentials and we make use of the Faddeev equations in order to define the three-body bound states. For local potentials which behave as (|k|)1θ (0<θ) for large momentum transfer, we obtain for the asymptotic power behavior of the form factors of the two- and three-body bound states F2(q2)(|q|)3θ and F3(q2)(|q|)62θ, respectively. For separable potentials V=g(|k|)g(|k|) and g(|k|)(|k|)12θ we find F2(q2)(|q|)22θ (0<θ12), F2(q2)(|q|)2.5θ (12θ), and F3(q2)(|q|)52θ, respectively. For the relativistic case, we consider the two- and three-body Bethe-Salpeter equation in the ladder approximation. We treat the spin-zero case only but we believe that our final conclusions will not be affected by the introduction of spin-12 particles....