He3inHe4films: Homogeneous two-dimensional behavior

We report measurements and analysis of the heat capacity of He3 in films of He4. The data span a range of He3 coverage from 0.03 to 1 atomic layer and He4 film thickness from 10 to 45 Å. We find that for cases where the He3 remains homogeneously spread out over the surface of the film, it acts like a two-dimensional gas of Fermi quasiparticles. To analyze our data, we use a model whereby the He3 retains its two-dimensional degree of freedom along the surface, but is quantized in its motion perpendicular to the surface. For thin films, up to about 25 Å, a single excited state within the film is necessary to describe the data satisfactorily. For the thickest films, several excited states become necessary. Equivalently, in this case, one may assume a continuous three-dimensional spectrum. The results of our analysis show that the He3 on these films behaves quite differently from He3 at the surface of bulk He4. The surface effective mass and excitation energy are functions of coverage and He4 thickness. This suggests that the He3 is highly interacting with the strength of the interaction being controlled by the thickness of the He4. For the thinnest films we find that the excitation energy has a minimum as a function of coverage, at about 0.2 layer.