1. A theoretical feeding scale, designed to supply the full nutritional requirements of the lactating sow and prevent weight loss (allowing approximately 8 lb. meal per sow and 0·8 lb. per piglet), was tested against a much lower but commonly recommended level (2 lb. meal per sow and 1 lb. per piglet). The meal (barley meal, 40%; ground oats 25%; middlings, 20%; white fish meal, 7·5%;, groundnut meal, 2·5%; dried grass meal, 3·8%; ground limestone, 0·3%; common salt, 0·3%; vitamins A, D and B2 supplement, 0·6%) contained approximately 16·25% crude protein and had a digestible energy value of approximately 1300 Cal./lb. During pregnancies all sows were fed equal amounts of a meal containing approximately 13·0% crude protein.2. Four pairs of Wessex Saddleback litter sisters were divided between the two treatments and records taken over three lactations of food consumptions, sow body weights, milk yields, milk compositions, litter growth rates, creep-feed consumptions and reproductive performances. Litter sizes were standardized between pairs of sows within the first 10 days after farrowing.