Design and Evaluation of Chemically Synthesized siRNA Targeting the NPM-ALK Fusion Site in Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL)

The NPM-ALK fusion protein is found in up to 75% of pediatric anaplastic large cell lymphomas (ALCL). The ALK kinase becomes constitutively activated and triggers malignant transformation. Molecular targeting of the tumor-specific NPM-ALK fusion by gene-silencing methods seems to be a promising approach both for the treatment of ALCL and to decipher signaling pathways used by NPM-ALK. We designed and evaluated three chemically synthesized small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) for downregulation of the NPM-ALK fusion mRNA. Compared to HeLa cells transfected with the NPM-ALK expression plasmid only and to an siRNA containing two point mutations, the most potent anti-NPM-ALK siRNA reduced NPM-ALK protein expression in HeLa cells to almost undetectable levels, and the number of cells stained positively for NPM-ALK decreased by 80%. With respect to signaling, expressing of NPM-ALK increased the activity of AKT and ERK in HeLa cells, and this effect could be blocked by the specific siRNA targeting NPM-ALK. Expression of endogenous NPM-ALK mRNA in SR786 ALCL cells decreased by 50%–60% in cells transfected with the NPM-ALK siRNA. However, the amount of NPM-ALK protein was not influenced by a single transfection of the siRNAs against NPM-ALK. Repeated transfections over 8 days led to a significant reduction in NPM-ALK protein but without induction of apoptosis. We believe that the long protein half-life of NPM-ALK, at least 48 hours, limits the application of transiently transfected siRNAs. Nevertheless, RNA interference (RNAi) offers a suitable technique to dissect signaling pathways employed by NPM-ALK and may potentially be used to develop siRNA-based gene therapeutic approaches against NPM-ALK-positive lymphomas.