The volatile substances given off to the air by Granny Smith apples at 20[degree]C were condensed at low temp. The acids obtained on saponifica-tion were found to be virtually free from carbonyl, hydroxy, or unsaturated groups. By conversion to hydroxamic acids followed by chromatographic separation on paper they were identified as formic, acetic, propionic, butyric (probably normal), valeric, and caproic acids. All these acids were shown to be present in the esterified form. Formic and acetic acids were shown to occur in both the free and esterified forms. The alcohols obtained on saponification were found to be predominantly primary and saturated and the major constituents were found to be methanol, ethanol, and n-propanol. Ethanol and n-propanol were identified by paper chromatography after conversion to hydroxamic acids and methanol by a specific color test.