Energy Levels ofDy165

Eighty levels which have been observed in Dy165 utilizing the reaction Dy164(d, p)Dy165 with 12-MeV deuterons are reported. The ground-state Q for the reaction was determined as 3488±5 keV. Thermal neutron capture gamma rays from a sample of natural dysprosium have been measured over the energy range of 900 to 6000 keV. The neutron binding energy of Dy165 is determined to be 5715±4 keV. These complimentary methods are a considerable aid in analysis, because the observed intensities permit spin assignments for (a) those levels populated by the strong high-energy capture gamma rays and (b) several of the (d, p)-populated levels. The analysis suggests the following spectroscopic interpretation (band head energies, keV, in parentheses; Nilsson asymptotic quantum numbers in brackets): (ground state), 72+[633] with superimposed rotational to 132+; (108.16), ½-[521] rotational band to 112; (184), 52[512] rotational band to 112; (∼535), 52[523] rotational band to 92; (539), 32+γ band built on 72+[633] with rotational members to 92+; (574), 32γ band on ½-[521] with rotational members to 72; and (606), 32[521]? rotational band to 52. The gamma vibrational bands are the first postulated on odd-neutron intrinsic Nilsson orbitals. An analysis is made of the K2 gamma bands of odd-A nuclei. Their energy systematics is found to mirror closely that of the gamma bands of neighboring even-even nuclei.