Nitrogen−implanted silicon. II. Electrical properties

This paper presents measurements of capacitance−voltage, Hall−effect, and diode characteristics on nitrogen−implanted silicon as a function of anneal temperature. The results of these three types of electrical measurements are consistent and show that less than 1% of the implanted nitrogen exhibits donor effects following anneals in the temperature range ∼700−900 °C. Hall−effect measurements performed as a function of temperature indicate that nitrogen in silicon has an ionization energy of 0.017±0.002 eV. Room−temperature Hall−effect measurements combined with stripping techniques have shown that the distribution of electrically active nitrogen is constant as a function of implantation depth. These results are believed to be due to a donor (substitutional) position involving <1% of the implanted nitrogen ions; this interpretation is consistent with the lattice location and damage results presented in Paper I.