A new hydrogel intraocular lens design

A new hydrogel intraocular lens was designed to improve fixation and support. The lens, IOGEL model 2000S, has a 6.00 mm optic that merges via a crescentic flange into a terminal loop for an overall diameter of 12.00 mm. The haptics are more flexible than existing loops and the design of the lens is based on a concept of minimum loop rigidity; that is, a haptic that is rigid enough to support the weight of a lens in aqueous within the capsular bag is considered adequate for modern cataract surgery. I evaluated the lens design's safety and efficacy. Excluding patients with pre-existing macular degeneration, the corrected acuity of all patients at last follow-up was 20/40 or better in 100%, 20/30 or better in 95%, 20/25 to 20/20 or better in 85%, and 20/15 or better in 15%. The new haptic can accommodate compression of the capsular bag and allows early, reliable fixation. The centration of the lens was excellent early in the postoperative period and later after capsular fibrosis developed.