5fMagnetism in Palladium-Actinide Solid Solutions

The electrical resistivities of palladium alloys containing 2.0 at.% or less neptunium or plutonium have been measured in the range 1.3-300 °K. The magnetic susceptibilities of these alloys have also been measured in the range 2.5-300 °K. Resistivity minima are observed for the PdNp alloys, but the resistivities of the PdPu alloys have positive slopes at low temperatures. The magnetic susceptibilities of the alloys can be fitted to χ=χ0+C(TΘ) at low temperatures. For PdNp, Θ13 °K and μeff=2.0μBNp atom. For PdPu, Θ3K and μeff increases from 0.55 to 1.3 μBPu atom with decreasing plutonium concentration. Apparently the 5f level is sufficiently localized to form a magnetic moment in PdNp, and is spin compensated at low temperatures. The Kondo temperature is estimated to be TK15K. The PdPu system is discussed in terms of localized spin fluctuations of the 5f electrons, with a spin-fluctuation temperature TS1K. The PdU system was discussed earlier. It is suggested that in these alloys, indirect interactions between uranium impurities via the palladium conduction electrons and the modification of the 4d subband in the vicinity of uranium atoms cause the 5f level to narrow and lower to the Fermi level.