Radiative Decay ofd32- Hole States

Lifetimes were measured for K39, Ca41, and Ca43 states formed by promoting a particle from the d32 shell to the f72 shell. In Ca43, this state occurs at 990-keV excitation and has a mean life of 0.12 ± 0.04 nsec. By taking account of the branching ratio we find that the partial mean life for the transition 32+72 is 45 ± 16 nsec. which represents an inhibition of 120 relative to the single-particle estimate. In Ca41, the hole state occurs at 2010 keV and has a lifetime of 0.8 ± 0.2 nsec. No other branch is observed, so this is the mean life for the 32+72 transition. It is inhibited by a factor 62 relative to the single-particle estimate. In K39 the state occurs at 2820 keV and the mean life for this 7232+ transition is less than 0.08 nsec; the inhibition here is less than 18. All of the above rates are consistent with the theoretical model of Kurath and Lawson. From additional data on Ca43, we find that the partial mean life for the 612-keV 32+52 transition is 1.4 nsec. This is 0.06 times the single-particle value and is not explainable in the scheme of Kurath and Lawson.