Methoxypyridoxine Convulsions in Epileptic and Non-Epileptic Mice. Protective Action of Pyridoxine.

Summary 1. Mice with chronic epilepsy (cobalt) had lower thresholds for the convulsant action of methoxypyridoxine (MOB6) than non-epileptic brain-operated (magnesium trisilicate) or normal mice. 2. Minimal effective dose of pyridoxine capable of preventing seizures varied widely among individuals. The mean protective dose was approximately the same for the epileptic and non-epileptic groups. Among the non-epileptic mice, those with lower convulsive thresholds to MOB6 appeared to require more pyridoxine for protection. 3. A significant increase in minimal effective anticonvulsant dose of pyridoxine occurred during the 3–4 month test period.