The aim of this study was to examine delayed application of condoms and withdrawal among heterosexual young adults. Seven focus group discussions were conducted with heterosexual men and women aged 18–25 in Melbourne, Australia. The data revealed that delayed application of condoms and withdrawal are widespread. Delayed application of condoms can be divided into two categories—condom use ‘after limited unprotected penetration’ and condom use ‘for ejaculation only’. The data reveal parallels between withdrawal and condom use ‘for ejaculation only’. These two behaviours share the goal of avoiding unprotected ejaculation inside a partner, while allowing some unprotected intercourse. They are both more likely to occur in regular relationships than casual encounters, both are likely to be negotiated and both occur when there is no perceived risk of STI infection. In contrast, condom use ‘after limited unprotected penetration’ was likely to occur in casual encounters, and was likely to be unplanned and not negotiated. There is a need to ensure that heterosexual young adults use condoms and use them correctly. There is also a need to ensure that heterosexual young adults have the required skills to negotiate sexual activity and to negotiate condom use.