Chemistry of antibodies and serum-proteins

I. The N partition figures and the content of various amino-acids are each significantly different for serum albumins and globulins, but antitoxin preparations and even diphtheria toxin-antitoxin floccules were found not to differ greatly in any particular from normal serum globulins.[long dash]II. By fractional precipitations both serum albumin and globulin may be separated into fractions of widely different carbohydrate content, suggesting that neither protein is a homogeneous entity. Diphtheria toxin-antitoxin floccules contain carbohydrate in the same range of cones. as normal serum globulins. This supports the view that the carbohydrate probably forms an integral part of the protein molecule and supplies another example of the similarity in chemical behavior of antitoxins and normal serum globulfeis.