The onset temperature T0(P) for superfluidity of He4 has been measured in d=0.1, 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6μm wide channels at pressures between saturated vapor pressure and the melting curve. The onset was detected by observing the vanishing of second sound in resonators equipped with superleak transducers. In the channels used the onset temperature T0(P) was depressed below the bulk transition temperature Tλ(P) by 2×105ε02×104. Here ε0=1T0(P)Tλ(P). For constant d, we find that ε0 is independent of pressure to within our resolution of ±2%. From the data the exponent λ and the coefficient d* for the equation ε0=(dd*)λ, and the exponent and coefficient for the correlation length, ξ=ξ*εν, have been calculated. We show that λ and d*, as well as ν and ξ*, and the quantity ξρsT=(0.16±0.01)×108 are independent of pressure, within our resolution of ±2%. The lack of a pressure dependence of the critical exponents is in agreement with universality arguments. For the absolute values we find ξ=(1.2±0.1)×108ε0.65±0.02,