The Antimycobacterial Activity of Tissue Extracts and Surface-active Agents in Dubos's Medium

3 enzymes-bovine pancreatic deoxyribo-nuclease, hog pancreatic lipase, and bovine testicular hyaluro nidase[long dash]were investigated. Each inhibits specifically the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain H37Rv (NCTC-7416) in the usual Dubos medium containing Tween 80. This effect is independent of enzymic activity. If the Tween 80 is replaced by certain other surface agents no inhibition occurs. The effect of Tween 80 may be due to its oleic acid content. Spermine, found in many animal tissues, and with demonstrated antimycobacterial activity, is not present in the enzyme prepns. used above. The inhibitory substance has not been identified.