Il GenereAlliumL. in Italia: I.Allium PendulinumTen. e A.TriquetrumL.

The Genus Allium in Italy: I. Allium pendulinum Ten. and Allium triquetrum L. — Karyological and ecological-phytogeographic studies on Allium triquetrum L. and A. pendulinum Ten. have been carried out. There is clear evidence that the two species are distinct and belong to different genomatic series. A. pendulinum Ten. is a palaeogenic diploid, whose relatively symmetric karyotype is: z=2n=14 = 2L1 + 2L2 + 2L3 + 2L4 + 2L5 + 2M1 + 2M5 2 This species is a mountain and sub-alpine, sub-middle-western-mediterranean sciaphyte entity. A. triquetrum L. is diploid, whose asymmetric karyotype-formula is: z=2n=18 = 2L1 + 2L2 + 2L3 + 2L4 + 2M1 + 2M2 + 2M5 3 + 2M4 + 2M5 This species is a plains and sub-mountain west-mediterranean entity with heliophyle and mesophyle behaviour. The distinctive features of the two species and an empyric key for their identification are provided.