The properties of the transition matrix elements Vab(R) of the breakup potential VN taken between states φa(r) and φb(r) are examined. Here φa(r) are eigenstates of the neutron-proton relative-motion Hamiltonian, and the eigenvalues of the energy εa are positive (continuum states) or negative (bound deuteron); VN(r,R) is the sum of the phenomenological proton nucleus VpA(|R12r|) and neutron nucleus VnA(|R+12r|) optical potentials evaluated for nucleon energies equal to half the incident deuteron energy. The bound-to-continuum transition matrix element for relative neutron-proton angular momenta l=2 are found to be comparable in magnitude to the ones for l=0 for values of εa larger than about 3 MeV, and both decrease only slowly with εa, suggesting that a large breakup spectrum is involved in deuteron-nucleus collisions. The effect of the various breakup transitions on the elastic phase shifts is estimated by numerically solving a set of coupled equations. These equations couple the functions χa(R) which are the coefficients of the expansion of the neutron-proton-nucleus wave function in a set of the φa(r)'s. The equations are rendered manageable by performing a (rather crude) discretization in the neutron-proton relative-momentum variable ka. Numerical results for 21.6-MeV deuterons incident on Ni and Ca which include only the first momentum bin (εa10 MeV) and l=0 and 2 show that the effects on the elastic phase shifts are similar in several respects to those found by Johnson and Soper.