Aranuian (post-glacial) pollen diagrams are presented from five sites in the southern Ruahine Range within an altitudinal range of 80–1050 m. The pollen spectra indicate that podocarp-broadleaf forest was well established in the foothills as early as 12 900 ± 200 yr B.P. The dominance of Prumnopitys taxifolia and absence of Dacrydium cupressinum suggest a climate cooler and drier than at present. By 10 350 ± 100 yr B.P. Dacrydium cupressinum is abundant in the profile indicating a warmer, wetter climate. The frost- and drought-tender species Ascarina lucida increased and then declined about 3400 yr B.P. and is almost absent from the region at present. Some information on the occurrence of Ascarina, Quintinia, and Weinmannia pollen is given. (Generally, the results support the findings of other workers in this field).