Transplantation of Developing Tooth Germs in the Mandible of the Cat

Developing permanent canine or incisor teeth of kittens were transplanted in place of permanent canine or premolar teeth of older animals and, in a few cases, of young animals approx. the same age as the donors. Intra-oral roentgenograms taken at frequent intervals after operation indicated that the transplant, if intact, became established in the alveolar socket of the host, and continued its development. Injured transplants underwent gradual resorption. A decrease in radiopacity during the first 3-5 wks. after operation was evident in transplanted canine germs, but inconspicuous in transplanted incisor germs whose crowns were completely formed at the time of operation. Transplants persisting beyond 5 wks. showed a gradual reappearance of opacity,.