Properties of Rydberg autoionizing states in electric fields

The linear-Stark-effect approximation is employed to investigate the effects of electric fields on autoionizing doubly excited atomic states corresponding to relatively large values of the outer-electron principal quantum number n. By assuming that a statistical distribution of the inner-electron magnetic sublevels has been established, simple expressions are derived which relate the autoionization and radiative transition rates in the presence of an electric field to the respective field-free rates. It is pointed out that the multiphoton laser excitation of the doubly excited states can give rise to a nonstatistical distribution of the magnetic sublevels and to complex interference terms involving transition amplitudes associated with different values of the outer-electron angular momentum quantum number l. The results of calculations are presented for the autoionization and radiative-transition rates which play the most important role in the dielectronic recombination of the Li-like Fe+23 ion through the 2p2s inner-electron transition, where the contributions from large-n values are particularly important. In these calculations it is assumed that the magnetic sublevels are statistically populated and only the simple expressions for the transition rates are employed. The effects of the electric field on the dominant (inner-electron) radiative decay rate can be neglected, but the electric field mixing of the outer-electron l substates substantially increases the autoionization rates from the higher-l sublevels.