Finding Your Feedback Fit: Strategies for Designing and Delivering Performance Feedback Systems

LaRaisha had spent several extra hours throughout the week preparing her sroom for today, when her n ty supervisor, Gladys, came for evaluation. She knew that she s a good teacher, but it was still v e-wracking to have someone m e and watch her. As she sat o ss from Gladys during naptime, R aisha held her breath as she k ed through her evaluation and all the rows of check boxes r ked “satisfactory.” Truthfully, s e forms never seemed to have a c k box for what she really n ted help with in her classroom, h as how to implement all those a t ideas from the workshops she attended over the summer and w to help Fletcher, the little boy h er room who has autism, n sition between activities without a v i ng a tantrum. Was she doing those things right? What could she do differently? With Gladys coming in only once a year, there seemed to be no one to talk to about these things. After the evaluation was finished, LaRaisha sighed. Another evaluation came and went without any real professional growth . . . just a lot of paperwork. What else could she do?