Magnetic Resonance in Single-Crystal Terbium Metal at 100 GHz

The absorption of 100-GHz (3-mm) microwave radiation has been studied as a function of temperature and applied magnetic field in single-crystal terbium metal. For magnetic fields up to 26 kOe, three main features are observed in the absorption spectrum: (a) an absorption onset occurring at low fields and low temperatures, which is shown to be associated with the effects of domain rotation; (b) an absorption line occurring around 19 kOe. This line is essentially temperature-independent, although it greatly intensifies below the Curie temperature TC; (c) a temperature-dependent absorption line which exhibits a dramatic shift as the sample is cooled through TC, even in the presence of fields thought to be sufficiently strong to destroy the antiferromagnetic ordering and induce ferromagnetic alignment above TC. The resonance line-widths are very large (∼5 to 10 kOe). At low temperatures this line is in good agreement with the theory of Cooper and Elliott for ferromagnetic resonance in a material with large twofold magnetic anisotropy. Extrapolation to T=0 yields a value of the twofold-anisotropy constant K2 for terbium of 5.3×108 erg/cm3 ±7%. This is in excellent agreement with the latest static-torque data of Rhyne and Clark for terbium, substantiating their result as well as reducing the uncertainty involved in their technique by more than a factor of 3. The agreement with theory at temperatures near and above TC is poorer although still qualitatively correct. Considering the approximations involved in the theoretical expression, the agreement is considered satisfactory throughout the temperature range investigated. The need is indicated for a theoretical calculation to higher order.