Ein neues Verfahren zur getrennten Bestimmung der östrogenen Hormone auf der Grundlage des Kober-Testes

The preparation is described of extracts of urine containing estrogens in sufficient purity for the colorimetric estimation according to Kober, as modified by Cohen and Bates. Urine is first treated with activated charcoal, on which interfering substances are adsorbed. Hormone esters are then hydrolyzed for 2 hours at 100[degree]C at pH 2. This is followed by steam distillation at pH 5-6, and extraction of the estrogens into diethyl ether. Estriol is then extracted into the aqueous phase by shaking with 0.1 N NaOH, while estrone is extracted into N NaOH from a toluene solution of the ether residue. Extracts are further purified by passage through alumina columns, after which colorimetric estimation is carried out. Both estrone and estriol may be estimated with an accuracy of [plus or minus] 10%.