Most of the dangers of treatment with desoxycorticosterone directly or indirectly are concerned with alterations in the circulatory apparatus. The already damaged heart is further over-burdened when excessive quantities of the hormone and Na, and diminished quantities of K. are administered. Complications of over-treatment can be avoided by attention to the following points: cessation of electrolyte therapy when the blood Na value and Na excretion approach normal; replacement of K in usual amts. in the diet as soon as the previously altered electrocardiogram approaches a normal configuration; the addition of vit. B1 to the therapeutic regime from the beginning; the use of cardiac mensuration as an early index of sufficient treatment; avoidance of excessive doses of hormone; the application of implantation therapy only after the patient has been fully stabilized on a general mixed diet and hormone by inj.; avoidance, as far as possible, of unusual stresses in life.