Resonance Raman scattering in Si at elevated temperatures

We have studied the resonance behavior of the Raman susceptibility for the 520-cm1, Γ25, phonon of Si from 1.8 to 3.7 eV with sample temperatures from 300 to 915 K. Both Stokes and anti-Stokes data have been obtained with thirteen cw argon- and krypton-laser lines and extracavity frequency doubling of the 752.5-nm Kr line. All data were corrected for absorption, solid-angle, and reflectivity effects using recent ellipsometric data of Jellison and Modine over a similar temperature range. The data show clearly the temperature-dependent broadening and shift (dEdT=3.7×104 eV/K) of the E0E1 resonance. The modulus of the frequency derivative of the complex dielectric constant provides a good approximation to the Raman susceptibility when shifted higher by about one-half the phonon frequency. Resonance effects on Stokes and anti-Stokes ratios are examined carefully and related to recent Raman measurements of temperature during pulsed-laser annealing.