Theory of a Fixed-Pole Pomeranchukon Bootstrap

A self-consistent model of asymptotic high-energy hadron-hadron scattering determining the t dependence at small angles is formulated and compared with available experimental results. This model takes the Pomeranchuk singularity as a fixed pole, self-generating through unitarity in the s channel. The production mechanisms assumed to be most important in the elastic-scattering unitarity sum are those involving essentially the Pomeranchukon; they are "diffraction dissociation," or "strong bremsstrahlung" with the pion (as the lightest hadron) mass determining the scale for t dependences. In addition to pion propagators, a form factor which is required in the production model may be determined self-consistently by postulating a certain universality and the Chou-Yang hypothesis. Specific predictions for diffraction-peak widths at asymptotic energies are given and are in qualitative agreement with presently available data.