Proton-Proton Final-State Interactions in the ReactionsHe3(d,t)2p,d(He3,t)2p,p(He3,d)2p, andHe3(He3,He4)2p

The energy spectra of tritons, α particles, and deuterons from the reactions He3(d,t)2p, d(He3,t)2p, He3(He3,He4)2p, and p(He3,d)2p were measured at forward angles 0° to 5°, using 36-MeV deuterons and 53-MeV He3 from the Oak Ridge isochronous cyclotron. The reaction d(He3,t)2p at 0° was also studied at 74 MeV. All spectra had peaks in the high-energy region which are attributed to the enhancement of the cross section due to the final-state interaction of the two protons. The final-state interaction theory of Watson and Migdat gives an adequate representation of the data for the reactions He3(d,t)2p and He3(He3,He4)2p for the known proton-proton interaction. For the other two reactions, d(He3,t)2p and p(He3,d)2p, the observed peaks are much narrower than the predictions of the Watson-Migdal theory. In the case of d(He3,t)2p the narrower peak could be explained by assuming the primary reaction mechanism to be a charge-exchange process. A search for a three-proton enhancement in the reaction He3(He3,t)3p was unsuccessful.