Production and Decay of the φ(1680) in π+dppπ+ππ0 at 6.95 GeVc

An analysis of the 1.68-GeV mass region of the m(π+ππ0) spectrum in our π+dπ+ππ0 data confirms the existence of an IG=0 enhancement at this mass, the φ(1680), which is distinct from the I=1A3 meson. This resonance was found to decay preferentially into ρπ with a 3π(3π+ρπ) branching ratio of <30%. A spin-parity analysis of the φ(1680) favors JP=1,2+,3 for spins ≤3, although JP=1+,2 cannot be rigorously excluded. The mass and favored natural spin-parity of the φ(1680) suggest that it may be the Regge recurrence of the ω0 meson. Assuming a natural-spin-parity assignment, the decay angular distributions of the φ(1680) suggest that there exists a contribution from unnatural-parity exchange in the production mechanism. The t dependence of the differential cross section and the energy dependence of the total cross section for π+nφ(1680)p were found to be similar to those of π+n(ω0,A20)p also seen in the data. As with these latter processes, the energy dependence of the cross section for π+nφ(1680)p cannot be explained by simple ρ Regge exchange. The I=1 f0π0 cross section in the A30 mass region was found to be small, and suggests that the production cross section of the A3 meson by charge exchange is significantly less than that observed in non-charge-exchange reactions such as πpA3p.