Dose-response relationships of human urinary erythropoietin

The response to graded doses of human urinary erythropoietin was determined in normal, hypophysectomized and fasted rats by use of the Fe59 red cell incorporation assay. In all three cases a highly significant correlation between the red cell incorporation of radioiron and the dose of erythropoietin administered was observed. Also, total red cell volumes and total circulating hemoglobins determined after 14 daily injections of erythropoietin to normal rats showed the presence of polycythemia. At the highest dose administered, the degree of polycythemia was similar to that obtained in rats exposed to a simulated altitude of 20,000 feet for 14 days. The value of the Fe59 red cell incorporation assay as an assay for erythropoietin was substantiated by the high correlation observed between the increase in total circulating hemoglobin and radioiron incorporation into red cells. Submitted on August 18, 1958