Separation of the Final States of the Residual Nucleus in the Pickup ReactionC12(p, d)C11at 154 Mev

The deuteron groups corresponding to different states of C11 in the (p, d) reaction on C12 at 154 Mev have been separated with a magnetic analyzer. A comparison with the known levels of C11 shows that only the 32 and ½- states (prominently the 32 ground state) seem to be formed to an appreciable extent. These results can be explained by the fact that at this energy the pickup of a more loosely bound high-momentum p-shell neutron should be the most probable; the observed states of C11 would then correspond mainly to a hole created in the p shell of C12 in its ground state. This gives the possibility in high-energy pickup reactions of exciting selectively certain states of the residual nucleus.