Electronic structure and magnetism of the Cu/Ni{100} interface: Self-consistent local-orbital calculations

The spin-polarized electronic structure of p(1×1)Cu on both sides of a three-layer Ni{100} slab has been calculated using the self-consistent local-orbital method. The Ni layer adjacent to the Cu overlayer has its magnetic moment reduced to 0.37μB compared with the bulklike center-plane moment 0.55μB. The Cu adlayer is essentially unpolarized. We attribute the interface-moment reduction to spd charge transfer and hybridization of Cu sp and Ni d levels. The d-electron number is 8.91 at the interface, while the central-plane value is 8.74, just as we found earlier for five-layer Ni{100}. All layers are nearly charge neutral. Our results for the magnetic moments agree well with those of Tersoff and Falicov, who did not allow for spd charge-transfer effects. Adsorbate bands are presented which should be observable in angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. These bands may be described as Cu-monolayer bands, shifted and broadened by interaction with the Ni substrate.