Démographie et reproduction de Macaca sylvanus dans différents habitats en Algérie

Usually described as a cedar forest monkey, the Barbary macaque in effect has colonized a great variety of habitat types. At the moment, it is not known to what extent these different habitats are suitable for the species’ survival. We tried to answer this question by comparing the demography of three monkey troops: one lives in a deciduous oak forest; the second lives in an nondeciduous cedar-green oak forest while the third is found on rocky ridges of mountains without any arborescent vegetation. In the three sites, there is a true seasonal breeding season with most births taking place in April to May and most matings occurring in November to December. Details are given on reproduction parameters (sexual activity of females; fertility rates; young survival...). Monkeys densities are higher in cedar forest than in deciduous forest. The smallest density is found on mountain ridges. Forest troops are more numerous, highly stable; their growth rate is better and the population is relatively young. The situation is slightly better still in the cedar forest than in the oak forest with a sex ratio more in favor of females and a better survival of the young. The troop of the mountain ridges is an unstable group ranging from 10 to 25 individuals; the population is aging, with a low birth rate and more male infants surviving compared with females. Demographic differences between sites are discussed according to climate, food availability and human influences (tree-clearing and overgrazing). Conclusions are drawn from this situation, for species conservation.