Low-Energy Electron Diffraction from Liquid Hg: Multiple Scattering, Scattering Factor, and Attenuation

The elastic scattering of electrons from liquid Hg has been measured for energies between 100 and 500 eV and for scattering angles between 60° and 170°. The observed scattering is remarkably similar to that from Hg vapor; a model calculation shows that the differences between the liquid and vapor scattering are due to multiple scattering and inelastic processes. The analysis shows that (i) higher-order multiple scatterings are strongly attenuated by inelastic processes; (ii) approximately half the observed integrated intensity has been scattered only once; (iii) for back angles, the atomic scattering factor is essentially the same for the atoms in the liquid and the vapor; and (iv) attenuation coefficients for elastic electrons are of the order of several tenths of a reciprocal angstrom.