Statistical analysis of borehole sections through the Illawarra and Newcastle Coal Measures of the Sydney Basin shows that cyclic sedimentation is present. The composite sequence for the Southern Coalfield (Illawarra Coal Measures) is (in ascending order): sandstone—sandstone/siltstone alternations—shale—coal, whereas that for the Newcastle Coalfield is: shale—sandstone/siltstone alternations—sandstone, often conglomeratic, or conglomerate—sandstone/siltstone alternations—shale —coal. The environment of deposition is discussed. It is suggested that in the Southern Coalfield cyclicity is due to sedimentational processes inherent in the deltaic and alluvial conditions envisaged during Permian times. Periodic influxes of glacial meltwaters, although not essential, are not ruled out. In the Newcastle Coalfield, however, the composite sequence does not match easily the ideal cycles expected in deltaic and/or alluvial regimes. Contemporary volcanism and tectonism complicated matters and lack of sedimentological details makes it impossible at present to give preference to any one mechanism of cycle formation.