Neutron Capture in Iron

A search for resonances responsible for neutron capture in iron below 3 keV has been made with the fast choppers at the Atomic Energy Commission Laboratory, Chalk River, Canada, and at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Capture area, self-indication, and transmission techniques have been employed. The only resonance observed was that at 1200 eV. The complete set of parameters for the resonance has been derived: E0=1200±30 eV, σ0=165±12 b, Γγ=0.673±0.074 eV, and Γn=0.056±0.06 eV. Analysis of the capture gamma-ray spectrum shows the resonance to be due to Fe56 and establishes the compound state as ½+. The variation of total cross section with energy from 0 to 3 keV is ascribed to a neutron bound level with the following parameters: E0=4390±1700 eV, Γn0=12.5±8.1 eV, R=3.9 F, and Γγ=1.02±0.46 eV. It is demonstrated that the previously measured resonance capture integral of Fe cannot be accounted for in terms of known resonances.