Extensive calculations have been carried out to obtain the quadrupole shielding or antishielding factors R(nd) for the lowest excited nd states of the alkali-metal atoms. In all cases except for lithium, and appreciable net antishielding [R(nd)<0] is found. For Li and Na, R(nd) is approximately equal to the total ionic shielding or antishielding factor γ, as a result of the fact that the nd wave function v0(nd) for these atoms is essentially hydrogenic, and hence the overlap between v0(nd) and the core wave functions u0(nl) and their perturbations v1(nll) is very small. For Li, γ is positive, and accordingly R0.25, whereas for Na, γ is negative (antishielding), and correspondingly R3.9 to 4.8, in going from 3d to 5d. For the heavier alkali-metal atoms, namely, K, Rb, and Cs, R(nd) is generally antishielding, but with much smaller absolute values than for Na. Thus R(nd) lies generally in the range from -0.2 to -0.5. The values obtained for Rb are the most reliable, and range from -0.48 for Rb 4d to -0.20 for Rb 6d. For K and Cs, the values of R(nd) obtained are less reliable, because of the sensitivity of the valence wave functions v0(nd) to the details of the effective one-electron potential Veff(r).