Spinodal decomposition in a Lennard-Jones fluid

A microscopic theory for the early stages of spinodal decomposition in a one-component fluid is presented. We show that in the unstable region of the phase diagram the amplitude of density fluctuations with wave vectors less than some critical value qc , where qc is the position of the pole in the static density response function of the uniform fluid, increases exponentially with time. The corresponding amplification factor is related to the Ornstein-Zernike direct correlation function of the uniform fluid. We have calculated the amplification factor for a Lennard-Jones fluid at several densities and temperatures. We find that these amplification factors are qualitatively different from those obtained from the analogue of Cahn's linearized theory of spinodal decomposition. Our calculated value of qc at reduced density 0·35 and temperature 0·8 is in fairly good agreement with the result of a recent molecular dynamics simulation of a Lennard-Jones fluid quenched to this state.