Circular and magnetic circular dichroism of some simple antiferromagnetic fluorides

We present results of an extensive experimental investigation of the circular-dichroic (CD) and magnetic-circular-dichroic (MCD) properties of the antiferromagnetic compounds MnF2, CoF2, and FeF2. The effective magnetic splitting factors for a number of transitions, including pure electronic and magnon sidebands, have been measured through their MCD properties and are used to illustrate the sensitivity attainable using modulation techniques. The manifolds studied entailed the A1g6T1g4 and A1g4, Eg4 absorptions in MnF2, the T25 to T13 and E13 transitions in FeF2, and the T1g2 state of CoF2. A number of weak transitions in the T1g4 state of MnF2 have been identified as have a number of transitions which are obscured by overlapping absorptions which are nondichroic. Results are also presented on the observation of the explicit behavior of the phase of the MCD signal as a function of the applied field; this property allowed us to determine the existence of Davydov coupling in a transition of CoF2. For MnF2 and CoF2, finite CD signals are observed at zero field; uniaxial stress applied along the base diagonals, [110] and [1¯10], allowed us to identify the source of the signal as a basalplane distortion arising when these compounds are in their ordered state. The nature of the mechanism responsible for this small distortion is not understood at the present moment, though several mechanisms may be ruled out, exclusive of imperfections in crystals, in view of our results.

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