The ruvC gene of Escherichia coli specifies a nuclease that resolves Holliday junction intermediates in genetic recombination (B. Connolly, C.A. Parsons, F.E. Benson, H.J. Dunderdale, G.J. Sharples, R.G. Lloyd, and S.C. West, Proc. Natl. Acad, Sci. USA 88:6063-6067, 1991). The gene was located between aspS and the ruvAB operon by DNA sequencing and deletion analysis of ruvC plasmids and was shown to encode a protein of 18,747 Da. Analysis of the DNA flanking ruvC indicated that the gene is transcribed independently of the LexA-regulated ruvAB operon and is not under direct SOS control. ruvC lies downstream of an open reading frame, orf-33, for a protein which migrates during sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as a 33-kDa polypeptide. These two genes probably form an operon. However, expression of ruvC was found to be very poor relative to that of orf-33. A double ribosomal frameshift between these genes is proposed as a possible reason for the low level of RuvC. Two further open reading frames of unknown function were identified, one on either side of the orf-33-ruvC operon.