Decay of Spin-Zero Mesons into Two Leptons

The following general theorem is formulated: The matrix element for the decay of spin-zero mesons with mass m into two leptons with masses μ1 and μ2 respectively contains only terms proportional to μ1m and μ2m, if in the open polygonal arc of lepton lines the number of matrices γμ plus the number of internal lines (SF-functions) is odd. There can also be terms proportional to μim if virtual leptons with μiμ1, μ2 appear in the arc. Application of this theorem to the reaction π0e++e leads to a ratio of the one pair to the two pair decay of the order (μemπ0)2105. A priori one would expect this ratio to be of the order one. Furthermore, the theorem provides a more general basis for the discussion of the relative probability of the reactions πμ+ν and πe+ν.