Excretion of Demethylchlortetracycline into the Bile

DEMETHYLCHLORTETRACYCLINE is a new tetracycline antibiotic that was recently introduced for clinical evaluation.1 2 3 4 Its antibacterial spectrum is similar to that of the previously available analogues, — chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline and tetracycline, — and its activity against most of the common pathogenic bacteria in vitro is similar to, and in many cases greater than that of the other analogues.5 A striking feature of the new analogue is the higher and much more prolonged antibacterial activity that it produces in the blood.2 3 4 Thus, in a recent comparison of the dynamics of the distribution and excretion of the four tetracycline analogues,6 demethylchlortetracycline was found . . .