Nonasymptotic critical behavior from field theory atd=3. II. The ordered-phase case

We present the first detailed calculations in the ordered phase using the massive φ4 field theory directly at d=3. It is shown that an adapted expansion allows the renormalization functions of the symmetric theory to be kept unchanged. Extending results in a previous paper [C. Bagnuls and C. Bervillier, Phys. Rev. B 32, 7209 (1985)] (noted I), we obtain, for Ising-type systems, nonasymptotic functions of temperature for the spontaneous magnetization, the susceptibility, and the specific heat along the critical isochore, which include all the quantitative universal characteristics of critical behavior in the real preasymptotic critical domain Dpreas. All universal leading- and first-correction amplitude combinations (including the new one RBcr) are accurately estimated and are compared with previous theoretical and experimental estimates. We also show that the functions are well adapted to a suitable comparison with experiment and we describe how the adjustable parameters, limited to only three (the same as in I), enter in nonasymptotic critical behavior. Together with I, this work provides experimentalists with an efficient and coherent method which will facilitate the experimental test of the renormalization-group predictions.