π++pInteractions at 646 MeV

A 14-in. liquid-hydrogen-filled bubble chamber in a 17.5-kG magnetic field was exposed to a beam of negative pions produced by the Cosmotron at Brookhaven National Laboratory. About 26 000 pictures were taken and examined for the following final states: (1) elastic scattering (πp); (2) π+ production (ππ+n); (3) π0 production (ππ0p); (4) neutrals. Values for the cross sections for these processes are σ(elastic)=17.56±0.43 mb, σ(π+)=7.14±0.23 mb, σ(π0)=4.65±0.17 mb. The elastic-scattering angular dependence in the c.m. system is fitted by a power-series expansion in cosθ and gives the following coefficients: a0=0.27±0.02, a1=1.48±0.11, a2=3.86±0.22, a3=0.29±0.53, a4=0.65±0.28, a5=1.69±0.52 (units: mb/sr). Cross sections for multiple-pion production were also measured: σ(ππ+π0n)=0.33±0.04 mb, σ(ππ+πp)=0.08±0.02 mb. The total neutral cross section was σ(neutrals)=11.78±0.43 mb; the total charged events cross section was σ(charged)=29.76±0.69 mb; and the total cross section was σ(total)=41.54±0.82 mb. For single-pion production events, two-body mass distributions and angular distributions were compared with the predictions of the Olsson-Yodh isobar model.