Decay ofSm141m- A Three-Quasiparticle Multiplet inPm141

We have studied the γ rays emitted following the decay of 22.1-min Sm141m with Ge(Li) and NaI(Tl) detectors in various singles, coincidence, and anticoincidence configurations, including Ge(Li)-Ge(Li) two-dimensional "megachannel" coincidence experiments. Of the 47 γ rays definitely established as belonging to Sm141m decay, all but six very weak ones have been placed in a consistent decay scheme. The energies in keV [and Jπ assignments] of the states in Pm141 populated by the decay of Sm141m are 0 [52+], 196.6 [72+], 628.6 [112], 804.5 [112+,92+], (837.1) [92+], 974.0 [92+], 1108.1 [72+,92+,(52)], 1167.2 [132(+),112(+),92(+)], 1313.2 [132(+),112(+),92(+)], 1414.8 [112,92], (1834.0) [112,92], 1983.1 [92], 2063.5 [112,92], 2091.6 [112,92], 2119.0 [112,92], and 2702.4 [132,112,92]. Less than 0.2% of the decay of 112 Sm141m proceeds via an M4 isomeric transition to 11.3-min 32+ Sm141g. Two-thirds of the Sm141m electron-capture decay goes to the six (possibly seven) highest-lying states in Pm141, another example analogous to Nd139m decay of the population of a well-defined three-quasiparticle multiplet by an N=79 nuclide. In simple shell-model terms this can be written as (πd52)2(νd32)2(νh112)1(πd52)(νd32)1(νh112)1. Most of the remaining states can be characterized quite satisfactorily as specific single-particle and core-coupled states. The behavior of these states allows us to add considerably to the systematics of shell-model orbits and their occupations in this region below N=82.