Rapid print-readout technique for sequencing of RNA's containing modified nucleotides

A rapid, simple, and highly sensitive method for sequence analysis of RNA was developed, which consists of the following steps: (i) controlled hydrolysis of the RNA by brief heating in water; (ii) (32P)-labeling of 5'-hydroxyl groups of the fragments produced in (i); (iii) resolution of labeled fragments by size on polyacrylamide gels giving the familiar "ladder"; (iv) contact transfer ("print") of the ladder from the gel to a PEI-cellulose thin layer; (v) in situ treatment of the ladder with RNase T2 resulting in the release of 5'-(32P)-labeled nucleoside-3',5' diphosphates; (vi) contact transfer and thin-layer separation of (32P)-labeled nucleotides on PEI-cellulose in ammonium sulfate and ammonium formate solvents; (vii) autoradiography. The chromatographic behavior of the 4 major and 18 modified nucleotides was determined. The positions of major and modified nucleotides in the sequence can be read directly from the separation patterns displayed on X-ray film. As this is the only sequencing method presently available that allows one to display and identify directly the positions in the RNA chain of major and modified nucleotides, no additional procedures are required to analyze the latter.