On the Mechanism of Insulin Hypersensitivity in Adrenocortical Insufficiency

A study of the sensitivity to a test dose of exogenous insulin was undertaken in 8 patients with primary and 5 with secondary (Sheehan''s syndrome) adrenal insufficiency. The great majority showed hypersensitivity to insulin and hypoglycemia-unresponsiveness was pressent in all. The hypersensitivity was primarily the result of excessive peripheral insulin action as shown by the increased disappearance rate (k) of an intravenous glucose load, in the well nourished patient. A possible failure in glycogenesls and consequent reduced glucose release by the liver, which might explain the hypoglycemia-unresponsiveness, was not confirmed by the glucagon test, suggesting that if there is liver impairment it is in its rate of glucose release independent of the amount of glycogen present and related to the glucocortlcold influence on the threshold of blood glucose regulation by the liver.