Pion-nucleus inelastic scattering: Reaction contributions and nuclear spin determinations

Formulas for pion-nucleus inelastic scattering are presented in a form that may suggest experiments to isolate various contributions to the reaction, including S-wave, P-wave spin and nonspin flip, and effects of nucleon Fermi motion. Adopting a form of the distorted wave impulse appoximation, we obtain an expression for inelastic cross sections that clearly separate the pion laboratory energy E, three-momentum transfer q, and scattering angle θ dependences. The result is similar to the separation of longitudinal and transverse form factors in inelastic electron scattering. By varying the energy of the incident pion, but working at fixed q, one can determine whether a given nuclear excitation has natural or unnatural parity. By working at fixed θ, and varying E and thus q, one can isolate different reaction contributions—spin, scalar, and "convection current." We also discuss the potential usefulness of studying the energy dependence of angle-integrated differential cross sections at fixed energy loss. The predictions of our formulas are in good agreement with recent data on natural and unnatural parity excitations in C12(π,π)C*12. Thus, this approach may be useful in analyzing future data in which the final nuclear spin is uncertain. Future experiments with selective q, E, and θ variations to separate nuclear structure from reaction-mechanism uncertainities are suggested.