(He4,Be7) Reaction in Magnesium, Aluminum, Titanium, Cobalt, and Copper from Threshold to 42 Mev

Cross sections for the production of Be7 in the He-ion bombardment of Mg, Al, Ti, Co, and Cu have been measured in the 30-42-Mev energy range. The excitation functions for these reactions are presented. A study of the bulk (0°-90°; 90°-180°) laboratory angular distributions by the catcher foil technique of the Be7 nuclei emerging from 2.0- and 1.85-mg/cm2 magnesium targets and an examination of the approximate range-energy curves for the Be7 particles in aluminum and magnesium indicates that the reaction proceeds through a compound nucleus. The experimental excitation function for the Al27(He4, Be7)Na24 reaction is compared with calculations based on the nuclear evaporation model. The cross sections for the production of Na24 and Be7 in the He-ion bombardment of aluminum are contrasted and the difference between the yields leads to an excitation function for the (He4, He3 He4) reaction.